Celaya, An Echo Park Bakery

The Angeleno palate has grown accustomed to baked goodies from Cuban monolith Porto’s Bakery but, in Echo Park, locals prefer a little neighborhood Mexican bakery.

Celaya, a cute square-shaped pastry shop on Sunset Blvd., bustles with charm and brims with racks of baked goods.  Sure, it’s frontage is plain and straight-forward, but a visit inside is definitely worth it for sweet and savory treats.  Tortas, tamales, bolillos, conchas (in pink, brown, white), flan – among dozens of other Mexican pastries, breads, and cakes – are displayed throughout the store.

The store’s gracious owner highlighted seasonal cookies: body-shaped Pan de Muertos cookies (in anticipation of El Dia De Los Muertos), seasonal semi-sweet pumpkin empanadas, along with the daily staples of cheese-filled croissants, fruit-filled treats, macaroons, and donuts.

For those who’ve never been, pick up a round tray and a silver tong, load up your desired goodies, and endeavor to use that high school Spanish you’ve always wanted to use.

I picked up 2 peanut butter cookies.  Why?  Because 1 is never enough.

Celaya Bakery

1630 W. Sunset Blvd.
(213) 250-2472

Clockwise from left: bolillo, peanut butter cookies, cheese-filled bread, pumpkin empanada

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